How to Implement Turf Recycling in Community Parks

As communities strive for sustainable solutions in park management, turf recycling has emerged as a viable and eco-friendly option. The benefits of recycling artificial turf are numerous, from preserving resources to reducing landfill waste. In this article, we explore how community parks can effectively implement turf recycling, ensuring they remain engaging and sustainable for the generations to come.

Understanding Turf Recycling

Turf recycling involves the process of reclaiming and repurposing old artificial turf materials, which can be processed into new turf products or other usable forms. This not only helps in minimizing waste, but also boosts the environmental credentials of parks that use artificial turf.

Benefits of Turf Recycling in Parks

  • Environmental Sustainability: By implementing turf recycling, parks can significantly reduce their ecological footprint.
  • Cost Efficiency: While the initial setup may require some investment, long-term savings on disposal and new installations can be substantial.
  • Improved Community Appeal: Parks that implement greener practices can attract more visitors and foster community pride.
  • Resource Conservation: Recycling old turf helps to reclaim valuable materials that can be used for new installations.

Steps to Implement Turf Recycling

Implementing turf recycling in community parks involves several key steps, which can be broken down as follows:

1. Assess the Current Situation

Before initiating a turf recycling program, it’s crucial to assess the current landscape and the volume of artificial turf that is being replaced. Gathering data on what turf types are in place and their conditions will help in planning the recycling process.

2. Research Local Facilities

Not all communities will have access to turf recycling facilities. Therefore, it’s essential to research and identify local facilities that can accept old turf for recycling. This could include collaborating with companies that specialize in turf recycling, such as Kolon Turf.

3. Educate the Community

Engaging the community will increase the likelihood of successful implementation. Hold workshops, create pamphlets, or utilize social media to spread awareness about the benefits of artificial turf recycling.

4. Plan the Logistics

Once the community is onboard, plan how the turf recycling will be executed. Determine when and how turf will be replaced, and establish a timeline for collection and transport to recycling facilities.

5. Monitor and Evaluate

After implementing a turf recycling program, continuously monitor its effectiveness and impact. Gather feedback from the community and adjust the program as needed. Was the program effective? Did we meet our recycling goals?

Common Questions About Turf Recycling

Is turf recycling costly?

While there might be initial costs associated with setting up a turf recycling program, many parks find it leads to long-term savings on waste disposal and new installations.

Where does the recycled turf go?

Recycled turf can be processed into new artificial turf products, playground surfaces, or other applications that keep the materials out of landfills.

How can we involve the community?

Involving the community can take many forms, from organizing cleanup events to educational sessions about the importance of sustainability.


Implementing turf recycling in community parks is a proactive measure that not only supports environmental sustainability but also enhances the park’s overall appeal. With low-cost disposal options and potential community engagement, it’s a win-win! By planning thoughtfully and collaborating with local specialists in turf recycling, parks can lead the way in creating greener, cleaner, and more enjoyable communal spaces. Let’s take this step together for a sustainable future!



